2019 Reading List

I’m not even finished with the books I have been reading for some time.  Somehow, I have this need to make a list for 2019.  I’ve read two favorite bloggers’ completed lists from 2018 over the past couple of days and pulled from their favorites to create me next list of “must reads”.

Humble Roots:  How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your Soul, by Hannah Anderson

24/6 – a prescription for a healthier, happier life, by Matthew Sleeth, M.D.

Strangers in the Forest, by Carol Ryrie Brink

Hillbilly Elegy, by J.D. Vance  (this one has been on my list for quite some time, actually)  I started this one and made it a few chapters in, but just can’t stomach the language right now.  I’m certain it has very important ideas to consider, but I’ll have to revisit this one later down the road IF I’m to finish it.

*Destiny of the Republic:  a Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President, by Candice Millard  (I started this in January, rechecked it after having to set it aside to care for Posie and the Biology Man during a flu event, then came down with the flu and had BioMan turn it in for someone else to read right now.  The little bit I read was exciting, so I’ll add it to my summer reading when I have more time and energy.)

God in the Dock:  Essays on Theology and Ethics, by C.S. Lewis

For more on these books and others that might be worth reading, check out what Nancy and Liz have to say about the books they read in 2018.